Capturing my 2017

Dear 2017,
Je t'aime. Thank you for...

JANUARY: Soap vs. dish detergent // Having family nearby // Friends from home to bring your stuff back// Friends to freeze with // Public transit that takes forever // Painted walls of Pittsburgh

FEBRUARY: The chance to live out my Mozart In the Jungle fantasy // Delivering flowers to strangers // A life changing rehearsal thanks to this NYT article // This lone grape


MARCH: Environmental awareness // That time I didn't screw up making bread // Quiet spring breaks // Yeah, I got to be Mulan that one time // Seeing alumni come together with current students 

APRIL: Opening the most incredible show // Making gal pals for life //  The lovely ladies of 307 // Friends who will tell you when you have lipstick on your face // Making it through sophomore year // Free cone day (R.I.P  Downtown Ben and Jerry's) // Lady power // Witty roommates // Secret tea houses where you get to sit on the floor //  Two amazing years with the lovely roommate


MAY: Revisiting memory spots //  The cheeze whiz bench // Rainy final days // Coming home //  Waking up in the forest // Putting myself out there


JUNE: Eating my way through Boston // Getting to work in the city // Adventures in Boston // Hidden bakeries // The North End // Italians // Train rides // Donuts


JULY: The greatest place on Earth // Reuniting with my hometown gal pal // Lunch break concerts // Boston's Chinatown // Sharing food // A wonderful summer job // Kissing social media goodbye // Inappropriate giggling in museums


AUGUST: A new chapter // Memories to last a lifetime // Frolicking around Pittsburgh // Silly hats // Too small backpacks // Secret cafes // A new adventure


SEPTEMBER: Scary movies // Not-so-scary movies // Noodle days // Banquo's face // Birthday besties // Exploring Lawrenceville for the first time // Visiting someone else's hometown // Bookstores and cider on a cold day // Finally starting those books I never read


OCTOBER: Coffee, always. // Typical drama student nights // Still sucking at bowling // Turning 20 and not combusting into flames // Cookie & movie nights with the 4th floor fam // Spontaneous treks to the movies // Vincent van Gogh // My wonderful roommates // Having someone who has always "gotchu"  // The brilliance of Tom Stoppard


NOVEMBER: Finding the Cinderella dress // Singing at the top of your lungs because you can't hold it in anymore // Going home // Pre-Christmas // Laugh crying with your best friends // Gratitude journals // Monday night movie club // Midnight tacos // Airports


DECEMBER: Everything about the end of fall semester // Christmas festivities galore // Free coffee all month // Broadchurch // Finally ice skating // Moving cars with human strength // Gingerbread hovels // More Mexican food // Making friends take my picture with cute things // Pentatonix //  Ceilings // A white Christmas


Thanks for the crazy ride; here's to the start of new chapters and boundless adventures to come.

- ML

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