20 Things on Turning 20: Advice From Someone Still Figuring It Out

   So, I somewhat semi-recently turned 20. Which is still weird to write, and I definitely still forget that I'm now in my 20s on a daily basis, not that it really has made a huge difference in my life at this point and time. I guess 20 is part of the weird limbo stage, it joins 19 as not 18 nor 21, but monumental in that I can say I survived being a teenager. Do not get me wrong, I have SO MUCH to learn in and about life, and I figure new things out on the daily, but here are some little tid bits of wisdom I can share from my gloriously short 20 years on this planet. To all you people on the brink of 20 out there: Good luck, it's a wild ride, but you'll make it out fine.

  1. You think you don't need sleep, until you need sleep.
  2. Know when to dip out, if you're done, you're done and go with your gut feeling.
  3. Take yourself on adventures, you never know where you'll find yourself.
  4. Learn to evaluate what you need, whether that be alone time, friend time, family time, etc.
  5. While some things in life will start to become clearer and fall into place, you still have a lot to learn.
  6. Worrying does nothing. It just makes you suffer longer.
  7. It's okay to be scared, use that fear and turn it into excitement and motivation.
  8. Jump into what scares you, it may turn out to be far less scary than you thought.
  9. When in doubt, a clean space can clear your head space.
  10. Listen to your body, it's probably trying to tell you something.
  11. It's okay to let it all out, you need emotional release.
  12. Do things and get stuff done so "future you" can thank "past you", it's the best feeling.
  13. Opportunity and life will surprise you, things come at the most unexpected times.
  14. Don't wait for things to come to or happen to you, make your own life happen, that's living.
  15. Learn from your mistakes, but know you'll probably make the same ones a few times before you really learn.
  16. Take the initiative to do things you've always wanted to do, otherwise your "maybe later" will become a "I wish I had."
  17. Your best friends will always be there for you, that's how you weed out the good cookies from the not so good.
  18. Don't be afraid to lead with your heart and be passionate. It's okay to care about people and things, it's a beautiful human thing to feel.
  19. Placing your happiness and self worth in other people is a dangerous thing to do, and it's not selfish or arrogant to be in a good relationship with yourself.
  20. Push yourself to grow, it won't be easy, but you're going to come out a better version of yourself.
- ML

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